EDU 407 Badges

Spring 19


To earn this badge you had to create a rubric that would measure the quality of an academic blog post.

Created by Greg McVerry

Jess, you earned the Assessment badge as part of #edu407 Module Nine To earn the Assessment badge you had to draft a rubric for evaluating the quality of academic blog posts as evidenced by Your Post.

Elizabeth Elizabeth earned the Assessment badge as part of #edu407 Module Nine To earn the Assessment badge you had to draft a rubric for evaluating the quality of academic blog posts as evidenced by Your rubric for measuring rubrics.

Sandra. earned the Assessment badge as part of #edu407 Module Nine To earn the Assessment badge you had to draft a rubric for evaluating the quality of academic blog posts as evidenced by Your blog rubric.

J. Gregory McVerry, PhD

Natalie. earned the Assessment badge as part of #edu407 Module Nine To earn the Assessment badge you had to draft a rubric for evaluating the quality of academic blog posts as evidenced by Your Lesson Plan.

Dej. earned the Assessment badge as part of #edu407 Module Nine To earn the Assessment badge you had to draft a rubric for evaluating the quality of academic blog posts as evidenced by Your Digital Text Leeson Plan.

Brittney. earned the Assessment badge as part of #edu407 Module Nine To earn the Assessment badge you had to draft a rubric for evaluating the quality of academic blog posts as evidenced by Your Rubric.

Mira. earned the <Assessment badge as part of #edu407 Module Nine To earn the Assessment badge you had to draft a rubric for evaluating the quality of academic blog posts as evidenced by Your Rubric.

Emily Rose earned the Assessment badge as part of #edu407 Module Nine To earn the Assessment badge you had to draft a rubric for evaluating the quality of academic blog posts as evidenced by Your Post.

This denotes who issued the badge J. Gregory McVerry, PhD
This is the badge that is displayed-

Alyssa earned the Assessment badge as part of #edu407 Module Nine To earn the Assessment badge you had to draft a rubric for evaluating the quality of academic blog posts as evidenced by Your Rubric.

Janice earned the Assessment badge as part of #edu407 Module Nine To earn the Assessment badge you had to draft a rubric for evaluating the quality of academic blog posts as evidenced by Your Post.

Annaearned the Assessment badge as part of #edu407 Module Nine To earn the Assessment badge you had to draft a rubric for evaluating the quality of academic blog posts as evidenced by Your Rubric.

Brittany earned the Assessment badge as part of #edu407 Module Nine To earn the Assessment badge you had to draft a rubric for evaluating the quality of academic blog posts as evidenced by Your Rubric.

Shannon earned the Comprehension badge as part of #edu407 To earn the Comprehension you had to post two lesson plans one reading for information and one digital inquiry plan as evidenced by Your Post

Cindy earned the Assessment badge as part of #edu407 Module Nine To earn the Assessment badge you had to draft a rubric for evaluating the quality of academic blog posts as evidenced by Your Post.

Savannah earned the Assessment badge as part of #edu407 Module Nine To earn the Assessment badge you had to draft a rubric for evaluating the quality of academic blog posts as evidenced by Your Post.

Allison earned the Assessment badge as part of #edu407 Module Nine To earn the Assessment badge you had to draft a rubric for evaluating the quality of academic blog posts as evidenced by Your Post.